Monday, May 07, 2007

Highlighting the old cap-style way

Please raise your right hand and repeat after me: I, blog-reader, do solemnly swear to never, EVER speak a word of this post to Bailey. I promise to read this post, perhaps snicker, but then erase it from my memory. I vow to do my part to let this blog author live in peace with her pre-teen daughter, despite this post. I will do so by keeping my blog-reading mouth shut... So help me God.

Bailey wanted her hair hilighted - but she didn't want to wait for an appointment at an actual salon. So, she and I set out to Target to find a box highlighting kit that wouldn't turn her hair orange or green or leave it blotchy like the last kit we tried last summer. So, we settled on the know..where you pull small strands of hair through a small hole in a plastic cap...with a plastic hook? I warned her that it would potentially be painful...or at least uncomfortable. She didn't care..because she wanted it done NOW...not tomorrow, not next week...but that night. we go.

A quarter of the way through the process...the crying and whining began. ugh. Here's a picture of the pouty-girl "processing." You'll have to wait for an AFTER picture....she's suspicious of my blogging tendencies every time I snap a photo. Darn smart kids.


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