Report Cards Are In
Report Cards Are In....
Bailey's 6th grade year was a nightmare - for all of us. She struggled with her relationship with her teacher - we all did...and as a result, her grades did not reflect her knowledge. She has always gotten fairly good grades, always understood the materials being taught - and so last year, when she struggled with grades we were all stumped.
I'm happy to report that this year, 7th grade, she has AWESOME teachers, has regained her self-esteem and her grades are once again reflective of her knowledge of the materials being taught. So, report cards are in this week....and...HONOR ROLL! Woo-Hoo! Way to go, Bailey!
Grades are as follows:
World Cultures..... B+
Social Studies....A
Language Arts....A
Industrial Technology...C+
Overall GPA for Quarter 1....3.807
I'm so proud of you, Bailey! Keep up the great work!
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