Thursday, March 30, 2006

Seven Months Old

March 30, 2006 and that means you are 7 months old! Once again, I can hardly believe how time is moving at warp speed and you are changing and growing every single day. You are working on more teeth and are completely miserable with the process. I have to change your shirt and/or bib several times a day to keep up with the drool! You have discovered the joy of entertaining others - look out. When you meet new people or have multiple sets of eyes on you, you know it....AND LOVE IT! You flirt, smile, talk - anything to eat up that attention.

I love listening to you talk. The sweet babbles that only you can understand are so precious to my ears. Your appetite has picked up lately, too. You are MAD MAD MAD when the meal is over (something your Weight Watcher Mommy can relate to).

You are more content to sit on the floor and play with your toys now (FINALLY!) but you still have little to no interest in crawling. When we try to get you to crawl you just lie your head down and suck your thumb. You ARE interested in walking, however. You don't have the balance yet, but when we stand you up and hold your arms, your little feet just take off like they know exactly what to do. Please don't start running before you crawl, ok?

Happy 7-month birthday, Lauren. I love you!!



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