Monday, April 02, 2007

Band Contest

This was Bailey's first band contest and boy did it bring back a flood of memories! She practiced and practiced the night before and the morning of...but she "was NOT nervous." (whatever). We arrived in plenty of time for her to get warmed up, chit-chat with friends, review the results board to convince herself that she wasn't going to get a good score, etc.

Finally, her time was up - time to perform her solo with her accompanist in front of a JUDGE! She held herself with confidence, tuned her flute, began her solo and - WOW! It was so great! I hadn't heard it w/the accompaniment before. Her Dad and I (and video-camera-totin' Grandpa) were so proud of her!

Her judge was very kind, offered a couple of friendly pointers and that was it - done! Back to the warm-up room to anxiously await the results.
And....she...received...a....ONE! A first-rating! YEAH, Bailey!!! We are so proud of you!


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