Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It Keeps Getting Worse

I NEED to know that these things happen to good Moms - because I am having a VERY bad Mommy day. (See 18-month-portrait post below). And the day keeps getting WORSE! After 30+ minutes in her crib for nap - Lauren was STILL not asleep...not crying or fussing..but not asleep. And I know for a FACT that she is tired. So I thought maybe she had a dirty diaper and I went up to check on her. And this is what I found:

So I wiped her up - put on a new diaper, got out new sheets and a new mattress pad...and then I saw it...just before putting on the new sheets and new mattress pad (don't EVEN scroll down if you can't take toddler grossness - and I warn you - this IS gross to the 10th degree)...

(Photos of poop on the floor and in the crib have been removed because it is just too gross for the rest of you to have to deal with).

So when I told her Dad about this disgusting and horribly bad day - he said...well...now she has a new trick when we ask her "What does a Monkey do?" OMG - that's wrong! So then I'm thinking - what if she threw that on the floor...and then sucked her thumb???? So I'm scrubbing her hands raw almost...I am having the WORST DAY EVER!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!! Now where is that !@#$%^ Clorox Bleach Spray....and the Vodka. (just kidding...almost).


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