Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Last week I left Lauren for 1-2 minutes. That's all, I swear. I put up the child gates, tuned the TV to Dora and went outside for just a minute to get the ice off of the deck. I ran back in to check on her and the front door was WIDE Lauren. Oh my goodness - what a horrible mother! There she was - outside - no coat - at the bottom of the stairs playing in the slush. Nice. My first thought was one of embarrassement - hoping no one saw her, and thus knew how negligent I must be! But that feeling quickly turned to terror at the thought of what COULD have happened. Now, it is true that a Mom can't be all places at all times - and I did my best to make sure she was out of danger for the ONE MINUTE she would be alone. I mean - come on - I've left her while I went to the restroom for longer than that. But, now I know that she is capable of opening the front door and making her way down the front steps. ugh. So from now on - DEADBOLT ON! I forgot to do this today - and here she is...caught in the act of trying to escape again!


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