Monday, August 07, 2006

Month Eleven

You are eleven-months-old this month and well on the road to Miss Independent. Full of personality and charm, you love to entertain an audience and are well-aware of when you are being cute. You stand up without holding on to anything for support and can even squat down to pick something up without falling, but you still aren't interested in walking on your own. I can hold your hand and we can walk side-by-side and you can play "Ring Around the Rosie" with your big sister, but when it comes to getting to what you want you understand that it is much quicker and easier to crawl.

You have become a better eater this month, with your favorites being watermelon, chicken & dumplings and chicken nuggets (bad Mommy). Foods you don't like you pick up and shove down by your leg as if I won't notice that you've hidden your food. You still take a bottle, but also use a sippy cup like a pro.

As far as talking goes, you still babble all kinds of sounds. Your sister says you sound like a Conehead. But, despite the baby talk, you are beginning to use more and more real words. Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Sissy, Ba-Ba and Woa are the most-heard, but Uh-oh and Hi have made their debut this month too - but they are more seldomly heard.

You've developed a love affair with the phone (that's my girl!). I found a broken phone that you use as a toy, but you can tell the difference between that and the real deal. When you do get your hands on a real one, you set out to push the buttons and you put it on your shoulder, cock your head and sometimes say "hi."

It is still the greatest joy for me to watch you bounce-dance to music, to hear you belly laugh and to see your smiling face when I peek my head around the corner after you've woken from your nap, and to hold you before bedtime as you suck your thumb and caress the back of your head while laying on my shoulder.

As I'm looking ahead, planning your 1st birthday party, I am reminded of how fast you've grown. Suddenly, when I wasn't looking, the tiny baby was gone, replaced by a toddler with her own ideas on what she wants to do. I am excited for the fun times ahead and mourn (just a little) the sweet, innocent months of infancy.

I love you, Lauren!



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