Thursday, February 15, 2007

Easter Dresses

Easter is almost 2 months away...yet you have to buy a dress now or you won't find any later. I hate that. The positive spin on this is - I'll have a nice outfit for Lauren to wear for her 18 month pictures. But how in the world do you choose a dress? Have you seen how many choices there are? And they are all ADORABLE! They are all ridiculous though - sleeveless. Ummm...Easter in Iowa is NOT sleeveless weather. So that means you have to fork out another $15-20 for a sweater. ugh. And then there are the shoes, and the tights..and don't forget the bonnet...and maybe a little purse. Boys would be so much cheaper I think.

Here are two dresses I picked up at Target yesterday. They are size 2T, so they might be way too huge...but I thought I'd buy them anyway - can always return them if I find something better. So....what's your vote???


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