Friday, October 06, 2006

Three Crazy Monks

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

13 Months Old

Ok, I admit it, I've successfully avoided the whole "turning ONE" blog entry and now my "baby" is 13 MONTHS OLD! And today, she walked without assistance across the room. EASILY 12 steps. I guess there is no more denying it - the baby is gone and the toddler has arrived.

As sad as it is for me to say goodbye to the baby phase, I am so excited about what has been happening the last two months. Walking is obviously the big highlight, but there are so many other mini-miracles that delight my days. Here's a brief and probably not complete list:

1. Language development
We used to be thrilled when you said baa-baa, ma-ma or da-da. But now you are really starting to talk. Words that you have uttered and/or perfected since turning one include, please, down, hi, hello, ball, sissy, bye, woah, oh and coh (which means corner - and you point at the dog and demand "Corner!")

2. Motor skills
Sure, you danced and crawled in the past, but here's what you've been up to the last two months: blowing kisses, giving kisses and hugs, hugging your "babies" and patting their backs, waving more, clapping for yourself when you play the play piano, throwing a ball, kicking a ball, bear-crawling, bouncing up and down, climbing and WALKING!!!

3. Social skills
You've always been a happy, social baby, but the last two months you've really become interactive with others - especially other kids. I took you to Book Babies at the local library and you were SO happy interacting with the other toddlers. You wanted to touch them, smile at them, talk to them - truly joyful. You notice when others are angry or sad and pick up on the goofy moments during the day when we try to make you laugh. Recently, when watching a show on TV, you laughed and laughed at the tricks a small dog was performing on screen. You are beginning to understand things - putting two and two together. When we ask you to push the button or turn off the light - you know exactly what to do. You are amazing!

I'm just so in love with you, Lauren! Every day brings new laughter, new joy, new moments that tug at my heart, new reasons to remember how blessed I am to be your Mommy and to be home with you every day.

I love you so much - and can't wait to see what you are going to do tomorrow to make me smile.

You are so special and so smart and so, so loved.
