Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So Proud

I've posted on this subject before, but today it really rang true. I was at the grocery store with Lauren when I ran into another Mom I know. She has a daughter that was in Bailey's class last year. The two girls spent a couple days together over the summer and e-mail...but I wouldn't say they were fast friends. In fact, Bailey invited this girl to her birthday party and she was a real loner...didn't want to participate in any of the games - just felt like a party-pooper really.

Anyway - the Mom said to me today that her daughter has been diagnosed with ADD - and that they've learned that sometimes ADD kids aren't very social and don't seek out friendships. Her Mom then mentioned that she's been having a very tough time in middle school with friendships (that IS the theme of middle school, isn't it?) She went on to say that her daughter comes home from school and says "The only person who is nice to me is Bailey - even though we aren't in the same class this year and don't see each other much, she always runs up and says hi to me." This Mom almost started to tear up and said for me to tell Bailey THANK YOU...that it means SO much to she and her daughter.

Now - the BEST part of this story? I know that if I tell Bailey this girl's Mom said thank you...Bailey will look at me with a look of bewilderment...because she honestly won't see it as a big deal. She KNOWS this girl is not cool....she KNOWS her cool friends would "like, totally make fun" of her...but she doesn't care. That isn't to say that being cool isn't important to Bailey...but at age eleven...she already knows that being a good person is way more cool than anything else. I'm SOOO proud of her.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snow Dog

Fun in the Laundry Basket

While it was busy snowing and sleeting outside, the Whitsitt Girls were busy "doing laundry."

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Her Future's So Bright...

Monday, February 19, 2007

New TV!

This weekend, the Whitsitt Family replaced our dying TV with a new 37" LCD HDTV. What does that mean? That means it didn't fit in our entertainment center. So, after much emptying, dusting, moving, assembling, rewiring, shopping, WAITING....Here we have it....the new TV set up. I am taking suggestions for decorating/lighting. We had a lamp - but this center is too tall for a regular-sized lamp on top. Send me your ideas!

Friday, February 16, 2007

No Longer A Young, Cool Mom

I used to be a young, cool Mom. I used to be in-tune with what was "in" with the kids. I used to be cool. But today I was reviewing the iTunes receipt for the songs Bailey downloaded using her $15 iTunes Valentine's Day gift card. And I have NO CLUE WHAT THESE ARE!

Outside Looking In

Jump to the Rhythm

Our Song


Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop)




We Both Reached for the Gun


I have the iTunes account set up to come to my email address so I can keep an eye on what music she is listening to - if there are any wierd purchases without consent, etc. And Bailey knows this. She also knows that if there are several versions of a song available - the one marked CLEAN is her only option. So she is mostly a rule-abiding kid...and I'm sure this music is ok...but now I have to go look them up. Further evidence that I'm no longer young and cool but old and prudish. "We Both Reached for the Gun" is what has me most concerned - what sort of a title is that?!

"What are these kids listening to these days? It isn't music!" -- Old, un-cool Mom of 11-year-old

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Show Choir

Hooray! Bailey has made it to the FINAL round of auditions for middle school show choir! She came home today SOOOO excited! She has made the cut auditioning for her choir teacher. Next up? Auditioning for the show choir director and learning a dance routine....at 7 A.M.! Good luck, Bailey! No matter what happens at this point - we are so proud of you!!!

Easter Dresses

Easter is almost 2 months away...yet you have to buy a dress now or you won't find any later. I hate that. The positive spin on this is - I'll have a nice outfit for Lauren to wear for her 18 month pictures. But how in the world do you choose a dress? Have you seen how many choices there are? And they are all ADORABLE! They are all ridiculous though - sleeveless. Ummm...Easter in Iowa is NOT sleeveless weather. So that means you have to fork out another $15-20 for a sweater. ugh. And then there are the shoes, and the tights..and don't forget the bonnet...and maybe a little purse. Boys would be so much cheaper I think.

Here are two dresses I picked up at Target yesterday. They are size 2T, so they might be way too huge...but I thought I'd buy them anyway - can always return them if I find something better. So....what's your vote???

Whitsitt Girls Love Chocolate

Valentine's Day 2007 - The Whitsitt Girls LOVE Chocolate!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day and I'm The Man

Today is Valentine's Day. A day when a lot of men get a bad rep for not participating in this "Hallmark Holiday," or for being guilt-tripped into purchasing over-priced flowers or mushy cards. A day when women are stereotyped as diamond-seeking rose bouquet-demanding romance seekers. Now, as a woman, sure I like romance - but I was more of "The Man" this year when it comes to Valentine's Day. I had talked it over with my husband and we had decided that we would go out for a nice dinner on a DIFFERENT night. A night when there would be less of a wait for a table. One year, before we were engaged, we waited for over 3 hours for a table - I kid you NOT! So, I picked up a nice card, thinking that would be nice for Valentine's Day and then we'd wait for our romantic dinner another night.

Well, much to my surprise (and embarrassment), my husband pulled out all of the stops this morning. Not only did he get up early to clear the driveway of snow, but he took the day off of work, drove my oldest daughter to school, and then shocked me with a wonderfully romantic gift. He then left for a Dr. appointment - and shortly after leaving, a knock at the door. It was the FLORIST! Not only a beautiful bouquet for me, his wife, but a sweet and thoughtful arrangement for his oldest daughter as well.

So, this Valentine's Day - I suck as a wife. I am totally "The Man" and I've screwed up big time. So...what do women do when they screw up romantically? Men - they can just order flowers or buy jewelry. What should I do????

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Old Friends

A day at the mall with Kelly & Jack.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Not a Fan of Accessories

Lauren's hair is horrible. It is too long to be manageable without the assistance of hair accessories. But she hates hair accessories. She pulls them out and hands them to me - immediately. The problem is - her hair is not long enough to cut - so we live in this constant state of hair in her face, over her eyes and down her neck in a lovely version of the baby mullet. Not a good look. I've spent money on indestructible pony tail holders that I thought I'd have to cut out with a pair of scissors - but she still pulls them out. I've bought Dora ponies...no dice. I've tried heavy-duty barrettes - nope. Headbands? nope. Today I caught her in action - removing the hair accessories I so want her to wear. This makes child number two with a definite opinion about fashion. Shouldn't a Mom have wardrobe control for at least the first two years? Sheesh.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I hate homework! I hated it 20 years ago - and I hate it now. Bailey USUALLY doesn't have too much of it - but last night there was a lot. She worked for a couple hours on it, took a break to eat dinner, then started it again. She had forgotten her math book, but no worries - you can access the textbook online.....usually. Apparently the site was temporarily down. Oh - the LUCK! I so know that feeling. So, on to social studies. What the hell is an economies map, anyway? Did I learn that when I was younger? Apparently it is one of those things that you really need to know later in life (NOT). By now her head aches and she is exhausted. She asks me if she can go to bed and wake up early to finish homework. Now - I KNOW this isn't a good idea, but I feel sorry for her and say "OK."

So 6:30 arrives and I hear Bailey's alarm go off and she is actually getting out of bed! yeah! Maybe she WILL get everything done....well everything but math. The ONE thing she really SHOULD get done. Now, I won't make an excuse for her forgetting her text book at school, even though the online text SHOULD have been working. But I will make an observation that if she brought all of the textbooks home for the homework she had last night...it wouldn't have fit in her backpack. And THAT is silly.

Ok - back to the story - so Bailey was stressed when she got home from school, stressed when she went to bed, stressed when she woke up, and stressed when she headed out the door with her Pop-Tart (aka - her "healthy" breakfast before ITBS testing all this week). I'm guessing it is the ITBS testing that is causing the increase in homework -- but honestly - how are they supposed to get a "good night's rest" for testing if they are piling on the homework like that?

At least when she gets to school this morning, her day will start with a voice lesson - one of her favorite parts of school. I hope she has a good day - and I hope everyone appreciates that she knows the land use in Queensland, Australia and the average rainfall in Urbandale, Iowa. As for classzone.com -- get your site up and running! There are stressed out 6th graders and parents depending on you!

Middle school - not so much fun.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Day of Mourning

Well, we cooked up some ribs, changed into our Bears-wear and sat down to watch the BEARS WIN THE SUPERBOWL....except they only showed up for the first 5 minutes of the game. We were so sad! So today is a day of mourning - for the team that should have been. Here are a few shots taken before the disappointment began.

My Honey Bears...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Vroom, Vroom