Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick-Or-Treat 2007

Happy Halloween! This year, Lauren understood the holiday and was rarin' to go! She loves her ghost shirt (Boo!), and couldn't wait to put on her CareBear costume and trick or treat for candy. Bailey was feeling too old to trick or treat, but wanted to dress up anyway to hand out candy. She invited her friend Miranda over to help her - the two middle school "princesses." They stopped eating candy in-between doorbell rings just long enough to say cheese...but they wouldn't let me take many pictures and darn it if Bailey's eyes aren't closed in the picture I took. Oh well - this way you can see her pretty "princess" makeup. ha.

Grant didn't dress up - he was either fussy or crying when we were getting ready to go - I don't remember which, but either way - he was not in the right mood to meander the neighborhood with his big sister. Here's a picture of him from earlier in the day at least.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

One Month Old

Grant was one month old yesterday - 10/27/07 - The picture was actually taken yesterday - I just didn't have time to post it. Stay tuned next month to see how he's grown!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Report Cards Are In

Report Cards Are In....

Bailey's 6th grade year was a nightmare - for all of us. She struggled with her relationship with her teacher - we all did...and as a result, her grades did not reflect her knowledge. She has always gotten fairly good grades, always understood the materials being taught - and so last year, when she struggled with grades we were all stumped.

I'm happy to report that this year, 7th grade, she has AWESOME teachers, has regained her self-esteem and her grades are once again reflective of her knowledge of the materials being taught. So, report cards are in this week....and...HONOR ROLL! Woo-Hoo! Way to go, Bailey!

Grades are as follows:

World Cultures..... B+
Social Studies....A
Language Arts....A
Industrial Technology...C+

Overall GPA for Quarter 1....3.807

I'm so proud of you, Bailey! Keep up the great work!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Grant - 26 days old

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

That A Girl!

Have I mentioned what an awesome pre-teen Bailey is? She is getting good grades, has nice friends, is sufficiently involved in extra-curricular activities, helps out with her brother & sister, invites friends to church - just an outstanding girl that I'm so proud to call my daughter!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Welcome Home, Grant Steven Whitsitt

On September 27, 2007 at 7:30 a.m. we welcomed Grant Steven Whitsitt into our family. He arrived via c-section and is absolutely PERFECT! He weighed in at 7 lbs, 14 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. With Grant at home now, our family feels complete. God is so good!