Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Win for the Wolverines

Wolverines vs. Eagles
6-4 WIN!!!

Tuesday, April 18 -- Bailey's first softball game of the season. I don't know what is wrong with her Mother - but no pictures from the game. =-( But - have to report that the Wolverines are now 1-0. Bailey started the game at 3rd base but saw little to no action. Her first at-bat and she was hit by the pitch - walk. She struck out the other two at-bats -- but went down swinging -- much better than having that bat stuck on her shoulder. She sat out a couple innings and played Center Field the rest of the time. This is Bailey's first year in the Intermediate league. She is playing with 6th & 7th graders - many of whom play softball year-round (can you imagine?!). I think she's been a little intimidated by the speed of the pitches, the experience of the older girls and all of the new skills necessary to play in this league. She's also a little frustrated to be sitting out and playing positions she'd rather not play. Agh - such is life. GREAT opportunity to show a good attitude and learn from your teammates and coaches - no matter where your cleats are parked. Another game on Thursday - and THIS time I'm bringing my camera!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Baby Bunny Ears

Look What The Easter Bunny Brought

Dyeing Eggs

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Today we received a letter from Bailey's school that said:

"Your daughter has one of the top 50-yard dash times in our school....Because of her performance, she is eligible to be on the Jensen DRAKE RELAYS TEAM!!!"(ok - I added the exclamation points - they weren't in the letter).

SO...the two fastest girls and the two fastest boys from her school form their relay team. They will race 60-yards each in a relay format at the opening ceremonies of the 2006 Drake Relays! They will compete against other schools in the Des Moines metro area. In addition, they will be part of the "Parade of Athletes" which will include college and elite athletes from all over the United States and in some cases around the world. Because Drake (my alma mater) just redid the track stadium and football field, they are going all out to showcase it at this year's Relays.

There will be a hot air balloon ascension at the beginning of opening ceremonies, a parade of athletes, a lighting of the cauldron and fireworks. This is truly a BIG DEAL!

Here's a peek at the new stadium and track:

Just for participating, Bailey will receive an official Drake Relays baton. The big event is scheduled for Friday evening, April 28. We can't wait! In the meantime, she and the other three will be practicing the baton handoff during lunch recess. I will be calling for our tickets tomorrow - and I'm thinking I better get an alumni discount - didn't they get enough of my money already?!@ sheesh.

Lesson I'm learning: Preteens are expensive.

I'M SO PROUD OF BAILEY all the time - but she is having the best week EVER adn I'm bustin' my buttons with pride this week!!!!

Easter Bunny

Thank You Easter Bunny - Bawk Bawk!

Monday, April 10, 2006

I Can Brag About My Kid - It's My Blog

Today we received results from the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) - a standardized test used throughout the country. Here are the results - and I don't care if I'm bragging - I'm PROUD! And it is my blog!

Here is the score interpretation as it is written:

"Bailey was given the IA Test of Basic Skills in January 2006. At the time of testing, she was in 5th grade. The composite score can be used to describe a student's overall achievement on the tests. Bailey earned a Composite grade equivalent of 10.6 on the level 11 test. This means that her test performance was approximately the same as that of a typical student in the tenth grade at the end of the sixth month. Bailey's Composite national percentile rank of 98 means that she scored higher than 98 percent of fifth grade students nationally. Her overall achievement appears to be high for fifth grade. (Ya THINK?!)

A student's scores can be compared with each other to determine relative strengths and weaknesses. In Bailey's case, overall performance is sufficiently high so that no single area seems particularly weak or strong relative to the others.

Here's how it breaks down:

Reading Total:
Grade level: 10.8
98th percentile

Language Total:
Grade level: 12.8
98th percentile

Math Total:
Grade level: 9.0
92nd percentile

Social Studies:
Grade level: 11.1
97th percentile

Grade level: 12.4
98th percentile

Grade level: 10.6
98th percentile

I smell scholarships!!! (i hope, someday)

Recapping the Race

Nice Stride

Bailey and Justice

Bailey's First Track Experience

Runners Take Your Mark......

Last week at school, elementary kids were asked to run the 50-yd. dash. The four fastest students were selected to race before the High School track meet at Urbandale High School on Monday, April 10. Bailey had the fastest time, 7.1 seconds. She and the other three selected would compete in a "shuttle race" against the other Urbandale elementary schools for bragging rights. When Bailey arrived, she was told that one of her teammates would not be coming and that she would need to run two legs of the race. She started the race and finished the race. Unfortunately, her school came in 5th place (out of 5)....but what a thrilling experience for her! She has really begun to LOVE running and even runs on Mondays and Wednesday with the neighboring catholic school's track team as they circle our block. Quite sure she is the first EVER from my family line to enjoy running. Unless I'm being chased with a weapon or there is a pile of cash or a tasty treat at the finish line - I won't be running.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

TiVo Rocks

Lauren Loves TiVo