Happy Birthday, Daddy!
The daily happenings of the Whitsitt girls
This morning, Bailey had yet another round of auditions for show choir. This time she had to be at school at 7 a.m. and sing in front of her current music teacher, as well as the show choir director and the other kids auditioning. She has already made a cut or two - and we are getting down to the wire now. She won't know anything today - at least I don't think...the dance portion of the audition is still in the future.
82 degrees!!! In March!!! In Iowa!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Yipee!!! The whole family enjoyed the fantastic weather. Well, maybe not Dad and Bailey, who were busy raking and picking up sticks....but the little one had a ball, and so did Mom (who also took her turn raking and picking up sticks, thank you very much).
I NEED to know that these things happen to good Moms - because I am having a VERY bad Mommy day. (See 18-month-portrait post below). And the day keeps getting WORSE! After 30+ minutes in her crib for nap - Lauren was STILL not asleep...not crying or fussing..but not asleep. And I know for a FACT that she is tired. So I thought maybe she had a dirty diaper and I went up to check on her. And this is what I found:
So I wiped her up - put on a new diaper, got out new sheets and a new mattress pad...and then I saw it...just before putting on the new sheets and new mattress pad (don't EVEN scroll down if you can't take toddler grossness - and I warn you - this IS gross to the 10th degree)...
(Photos of poop on the floor and in the crib have been removed because it is just too gross for the rest of you to have to deal with).
Lauren is halfway through her 18th month so I thought I better take care of that 18-month portrait. I called Portrait Innovations because that darn $9.95 package suckers me in every time. I had to wait several weeks to get in for an appointment - and today was the day. I had carefully chosen two dresses for Lauren. Her Easter Dress (timely for the portrait) and a cuter than cute navy blue sailor-style dress.
Raspberry Jelly - a new breakfast favorite. Lauren started by licking the jelly off the toast - and then finally eating the bread.
Ok, Jeff Foxworthy...I'm turning to the camera and admitting to America...I am NOT smarter than a 6th grader!
I think I forgot to mention this yesterday - but when we were at the Dr. - every time she shined the light in Lauren's eyes or nose or ears...Lauren would squint her eyes and put on a HUGE grin and say "CHEESE!" Dr. called her a ham.....a ham & cheese. That's my girl! Just like Bailey used to be, too!
Last week I left Lauren for 1-2 minutes. That's all, I swear. I put up the child gates, tuned the TV to Dora and went outside for just a minute to get the ice off of the deck. I ran back in to check on her and the front door was WIDE OPEN...no Lauren. Oh my goodness - what a horrible mother! There she was - outside - no coat - at the bottom of the stairs playing in the slush. Nice. My first thought was one of embarrassement - hoping no one saw her, and thus knew how negligent I must be! But that feeling quickly turned to terror at the thought of what COULD have happened. Now, it is true that a Mom can't be all places at all times - and I did my best to make sure she was out of danger for the ONE MINUTE she would be alone. I mean - come on - I've left her while I went to the restroom for longer than that. But, now I know that she is capable of opening the front door and making her way down the front steps. ugh. So from now on - DEADBOLT ON! I forgot to do this today - and here she is...caught in the act of trying to escape again!
Finally! A decision has been made regarding Lauren's Easter dress. I found two that I really loved - so one will be her 18-month-picture dress and the other will be her Easter dress. They are both size 2T, which I can hardly believe...but it seems length is the only real difference between a 24 months and a 2T. So, Lauren looks a little like a "little person"/dwarf in the navy blue dress. She inherited the no ankles until age 5 gene. The Easter Bonnet...from Target...DOLLAR SECTION!!!
NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! Blizzard from hell....but NO SCHOOL FOR BAILEY TOMORROW!!! Yeah! Can't leave the house even if we wanted to...but NO SCHOOL FOR BAILEY TOMORROW!!! Probably won't see her until 11 a.m. at the earliest because her pre-teen body apparently needs the sleep...but NO SCHOOL FOR BAILEY TOMORROW!!! Two kids at home so I probably won't get a short Mommy nap...but NO SCHOOL FOR BAILEY TOMORROW!!! Quality time with my girls - YEAH! I LOVE SNOW DAYS!!!